Ushuaia – The end of the world

We have arrived in Ushuaia at the very bottom of South America which means that I have completed the first leg of my trip! And what a trip it has been. I have had an amazing time over the past four months, seen some wonderful sights and met many amazing people.

And now its time for stage 2. Bark Europa is in the port and looking good…

Randomly, at a hostel in Buenos Aires a few weeks ago, I sat down for dinner next to one of the crew members from the boat (and even more randomly he knew my name from having earlier met someone I did the Inca Trail with and who had told him about me). Anyway, I bumped into Bram in town last night and he was kind enough to give us a guided tour and a sneak preview of life on board.

The ship is magnificent and looks as good as I had imagined it to be. I cant wait to get on board and get going now. I´d often thought about going travelling in the past, but it was finding out about this boat trip that made up my mind. “52 days on a tall ship to Antarctica and across the Atlantic to Cape Town” It still doesnt sound real to me.

I board the boat tomorow and in two days will be sailing through the Beagle Chanel, around Cape Horn and through the Roaring Forties. 🙂

Unfortunately there is no internet on the boat so this will be the last post for 7 weeks, but there should be some info added to the ships website (

You can see where the ship is here

and hopefully the logbook will be updated from time to time here

It´s been great to finish my time in South America by travelling with my parents. There is only one downside to travelling and that´s being away from family and friends. I miss you all.

Fran: See you in Cape Town 🙂


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