Cape Horn to the Cape of Good Hope

I have no idea what to write. I have no idea where to even begin with this. How do you sum up 52 days spent sailing in a 100 year old tall ship going from South America to Antarctica, South Georgia and Tristan da Cunha and all the way across the ocean to Africa?

It was an incredible trip, or perhaps ‘journey’ is a better word. The boat was magnificent and living on board was a real pleasure. I am certain there can be no better way to experience Antarctica than on a tall ship. And what a place Antarctica is. It lived up to all my expectations and has some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable. Ice bergs, seals and pengiuns were everywhere. All the people on board the ship were great and very easy to get on with. The crew treated us like royalty and the ship never felt cramped even though there were over 50 of us spending over 50 days on a boat that measures just over 50 metres in length.

It was truly amazing.

It would take me forever to describe each of the 52 days, so I will leave it up to one of the guides to do so. Jordi kept a daily blog which runs to over 110 pages. You can download it here

As for now, its time for Africa. 🙂



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