Two more days in Buenos Aires

The Aldridges do Argentina.

I´m not really sure how best to update you all about the last two weeks. We have done so much and seen so many amazing sights that I dont think one blog will be enough. I think I´ll need a few to do it justice. And there are lots of photos!

We started with two days in the very hot, humid and exciting capital city. The first thing I did was take my parents to look at the cemetary. Slightly morbid you might think, but I had heard that it is one of the most amazing sights. The cemetary covers a whole section of the city with its huge elaborate tombs. Some of them are very old and dilapidated and others are brand new marble buildings that look, from the outside, like Gucci or Prada shops

After that we headed to dinner to sample the food and drink that Argentina is most famous for. Big juicy steaks and smooth delicious red wine. We headed to an old fashioned 1930´s restaruant called La Chacra and were not let down! Wonderful stuff

The next day we walked all the way from the main central plaza, down to the docks, up to San Telmo with its antique shops and finally finished at La Boca.

The same evening we went to an amazing Tango show and slap up meal before collapsing back at the hotel!


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